Trinity Tower Church

Fellowship Groups
United Women of Faith
Over lunch, Women talking about life and faith.
Meets first Wednesday of the month
Wednesday Bible Study
This group connects people from all over the country through Zoom. They learn about a different bible passage each week.
Meets Wednesday at 7:00pm
WOW: Women of Widsom
For all women, this is a place and time to gather and to talk about life around some fun activity.
Meets 2nd Friday of the month
Monday Prayer Group
Using Zoom, this group meets every Monday to share prayer requests, discuss situations of the world, and pray together.
Meets Mondays at 7:00pm
God Abouts
A brunch gathering of women at Freedom diner for fellowship and Christian conversation.
Meets 4th Saturday of the month
Children from kindergarten to 6th grade who gather for fun, crafts, bible study, and song.
Meets Tuesday evening from 6:00-7:30pm